BattleScotch! Compass Box Edition with Dan

Not every one has the time or budget to buy selections of tiny whiskies and write down their subjective impressions – no, as a busy working non-layabout mortal on the giggity-go, you need to know where the best bang for your whisky dollar is to be had!

And that’s the sheer genius of the BattleScotch! Determining what any sane person with a finite lifetime would want to know – which of this one selection of Compass Box whiskies do these two guys in Ottawa think is the best? You sit there a-froth with anticipation for this information which can only make you a better, more wiser consumer – PREPARE YOUR FACE FOR PERSONAL BETTERMENT:

Dan – asyla
Simon – asyla

Dan – hedonism
Simon – peat monster

Dan – asyla
Simon – oak cross

Dan – asyla
Simon – asyla

Dan – asyla
Simon – asyla

Aslya takes it by a mile

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