Fuller’s Vintage Ale 2019 with Dan
Realllllllly fucked up the calendar with that 6 months off, but also, I think this one had sat in the hopper until the hops denatured or other bad sounding science […]
Realllllllly fucked up the calendar with that 6 months off, but also, I think this one had sat in the hopper until the hops denatured or other bad sounding science […]
A quick beer review as I stare down the midnight deadline. Sleeman Golden Festbeir doesn’t appear on their website for some reason. I remember when Sleeman relaunched. I didn’t realize […]
A giant beer with a wrap label and a cork and a muselet(1) and a foil wrap! Rodenbach(2) Vintage 2016 Flanders Red Ale from Foeder #201, looks super fancy! A […]
There’s always an Innis & Gunn in the hopper. Always. There’s still at least one after this, and we’re heading into their holiday try-shit-oramathon season, so I would assume there […]
After a month of real (bad) scotch, how about a nice, simple beer? This ain’t that. Nickel Brook Glory & Gold Bourbon Barrel Aged Cuvee is a lot of words […]
Another iterative Innis & Gunn. Apparently we waited too long to post this review, the bottle no longer exists on their website. The second of the Longitude & Latitude series, […]
Another Rodenbach – you’d think we’d learn. There’s even another one waiting in the hopper. Sour beer is gross. It’s just gross. The Cataract Rogue is a “recognized regional product” […]
Here is a, well, to be perfectly honest, here is a very stale review. Almost a year since it went in the hopper. Apologies – there was just always something […]
This year’s Collective Arts print tube is a Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial Porter, something a little different. The print is a bird motif from Kait Cooper, check out her stuff and […]
A quickie from the North as I try to push out some of the backlog of beer reviews we have kicking around here. So why not something exotic from Canada’s […]
Happy Robbie Burns Day! I know, I know… reviewing a beer on Robbie Burns Day?! But I don’t have any *Scotch* scotch posts ready in the hopper – bourbon, yes, […]
A beer in a tube! You know we’re suckers for literally anything in a tube – beers, whiskies, potato chips,.. tennis balls, uh public transit.. etc. Straight from the north.. […]
Just a quick review – finally getting around to the beers from Iqaluit. Nunavut Brewing Company Frob Gold Strong Golden Ale – this one is pretty okay, if you think […]
Steve is a tricky palate. He likes things other people don’t, and doesn’t like much of what we’d consider “the good stuff”, except for the odd time he really likes […]
I don’t like sour beers. This Rodenbach Grand Cru Flanders Red Ale from Belgium is a sour beer. I didn’t like it either. The time cask aging doesn’t fix it. […]
Dominion City Brewing in Ottawa does a lot of interesting stuff, but Davey and I couldn’t agree on whether this was one of them. As stouts go, it’s great for […]
This one is going to be a very short review. We had this beer with Christmas dinner (not quite 6 months ago), so we weren’t able to take traditional notes. […]
The Continuing Weird Beer Adventures Of Innis & Gunn – Don’s Choice Black IPA with Coconut & Rhubarb. The definition of too many things – a barrel-aged black IPA with […]
The Innis & Gunn Completionist Blog That Also Sometimes Drinks Whisky Chapter Several Dozen – 15 Barrel Aged Double IPA. This is kind of unfair because I don’t like IPAs […]
Another holiday bottle where you pay more for extra packaging! It’s okay – I’m using it as a riser for my scotch display back row now. Sleeman Sparkling Ale was […]
Most completistisming going one here. We had the VP01. So therefore we must have Innis & Gunn’s Vanishing Point VP02 or how will we know.. anything? How will we know […]
Beer from Belgium! I thought they were supposed to be good at this? Rodenbach is a brewery in Roeselare, a city in West Flanders, and we all know what Homer […]
Thornbridge Eldon Oak Infused Imperial Stout, a Dickensian(*) name to be sure. Thornbridge Brewery is in the UK and the names of their beers seem to indicate an affinity for […]
Another big bottled, high abv, milestone-celebrating weird beer here, with a twist – it’s actually good! A lot of times these large format beers can be.. um.. challenging. A lot […]