Sortilege Maple Syrup Whisky Liqueur

Happy holidays! One of 12-15 traditional drinking seasons. For some reason the cold makes us more agreeable to sticky, rich and cloying sweets, treats and meats.  Might be an evolutionary thing we inherited from our bear ancestors. #BearsNotMonkeys

Sortilege is Quebec maple syrup and Canadian rye & corn whisky blended together to become pretty much exactly what you’d expect that to taste like. After a rich and savoury meal this sweet liqueur will cut through the noise, however it doesn’t seem to stand up when enjoyed on its own.

nose – acrid, alcohol, chemical

neat – sweet, oily

finish – nice maple smoke, no heat

splash – no

overall – 6.1/10

Sortilege Maple Syrup Whisky Liqueur – 30% 50ml – $ – Quebec

Try it? Sure. Buy it? A good gift.

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