Innis & Gunn Bourbon Cask Dark Ale! A potentially new bottle from the Holiday 4-Pack. Why potentially? Well, because we’re having another classic Innis & Gunn “have I had this before?” moment.
We had the Irish Whiskey Finish/Cask discrepancy, and the (Winter) Treacle Porter pair, and now we have this Bourbon Cask Dark Ale v a pre-existing Bourbon Dark Ale. This one also has the old picture for the new bottle on the LCBO site.
Judging from the tasting notes they’re different beers, but the subjectivity of the human tongue and blah blah blah here’s what we thought:
Steve – just beer and a little cherry
Simon – almost dr peppery sweet cherry
Steve – good beer. Very dark, earthy
Simon – super Innis gun regular with bourbon
Steve – beer doesn’t get better
Simon – clean but a little sweet finish
Steve – 9/10
Simon – 8.2/10
Innis & Gunn Bourbon Cask Dark Ale – 7.4% 330ml – $3.30 – Scotland
Try it? Yes. Buy it? Yes.
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