Beer from Belgium! I thought they were supposed to be good at this?
Rodenbach is a brewery in Roeselare, a city in West Flanders, and we all know what Homer said about Flanders in… uh, the Odyssey, I think. The Vintage 2015 is a Flemish red-brown ale, in this case sour and aged in oak for two years. Their website says “mixed fermentation” which the internet says means they’ve used some other yeast as well as brewers yeast to make the beer. Could be where some of the wacky flavours came from.
To be fair I’m just not a fan of sour beers. I thought 2 years in oak could make something good but a sour beer is a sour beer. Here’s what we thought:
Steph – rotten apple, wine vinegar, grape jolly rancher
Simon – copper, blood, plum
Steph – aggressive sangria, sour
Simon – apple sauce + yeast + strawberries + a barfight
Steph – balsamic
Simon – very present
Steph – 3/10 “I don’t hate it”
Simon – 1/10 “I definitely hate it”
Rodenbach Vintage 2015 Oak Foeder Aged Red Ale – 7% 750ml – $12.95 – Belgium
Try it? No. Buy it? No.
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