Talisker Scotch Whisky Collection
I recently finished my bottle of Talisker 10y, the first bottle of scotch I ever bought. For about the same price to replace the 750ml size, I got the Talisker […]
I recently finished my bottle of Talisker 10y, the first bottle of scotch I ever bought. For about the same price to replace the 750ml size, I got the Talisker […]
I don’t think you need a specialized vocabulary in order to be able to enjoy and distinguish different subtleties in whatever you’re drinking. It does help a bit for talking […]
Just got back from a pile of drinks with NG at the Fox & Feather on Elgin. I had a Talisker 10y, a Cragganmore 12y and a Balvenie 12y… followed by an Irish Carbomb (because tomorrow’s SPD) and a rye sour. My stomach feels pretty North Channel at the moment – choppy and mostly liquor.
We’re down to the last 5 bottles of scotch I already own. So far the only scotch I’ve bought since starting the blog is The Glenrothes, so I’ll need to […]
This bottle of Dalwhinnie 15y was in the first batch of scotches I received when I decided to take it up as a hobby. If drinking is a hobby. I […]
The Benromach Special Edition is the only certified organic single malt scotch whisky I’m aware of, based on no research. Its certification comes from the UK Soil Association, and they […]
I need to say this up front – this scotch is not for the faint of heart. The Smokehead bottle comes in a can embossed with many words about how […]
Second round at L’ile Noire, and we went for one of the big guys. The Dalmore wins all kinds of awards all the time. Caveat: we had The Dalmore 5th […]
First round at L’ile Noire, and… well, you remember how in the Highland Park 12y review I said I was saving up my pennies for the 18y? I’m not anymore. […]
Katherine found L’ile Noire while researching our little work/minibreak trip in La Belle Province. We had high hopes after our success at the Whisky Cafe, but it didn’t seem to […]
3rd round, Whisky Cafe. Time to get weird. We tried the Nikka Taketsuru 12y Pure Malt Whisky, Japan’s equivalent of a blend of single malts. This was unlike any whisky […]
Second round at the Whisky Cafe, and it was time for a classic, and no binge scotching is complete without a Talisker. Served from a tiny bottle, the best review […]
First up at the Whisky Cafe, we opted for the oldest Auchentoshan available. It had been on Katherine’s list for a while and it seemed like the perfect chance to […]
First stop on the impromptu scotch tour of Montreal, the Whisky Cafe is a pretty classy joint, although the website is a little mid-last-decade (music-playing Flash splash page, eh?). The […]
Recent trip to Montreal with Katherine netted many scotch opportunities (scotchportunities), not this least of which was the SAQ on St Catherine’s. This one shelf represents about a year’s pay […]
So, I don’t know if you know this, but when you make homemade caramel corn as Katherine awesomely does, its actually kind of an interesting chemistry thing. You basically boil […]
Once again, I should start by copping to the fact I already like this scotch. I’m still working my way through my own collection, and I tend to give away […]
I had purchased The Glenrothes before for a friend on reputation alone. It’s been on my to drink list for a while now and I’m really pleased I finally got […]
First review so I decided to bring some friends in on the fun. Katherine has a somewhat longer relationship with scotch than I do (or with me, come to think […]
I firmly believe, if you buy a bottle, you can drink it any way you want. Ice, water, neat, scotch rocks, freaking ginger ale. Its your money, do what you […]
I’ve finally got the webspace and the tools to do this project properly so here goes. Coming up shortly will be multiple reviews of single malt scotch whiskies. I’m not […]