Updated! Nirasaki Blended Japanese Whisky with Dan & Goran


UPDATE!! 2020-09-17 ** We got a reader complaint that this is not a Suntory but a product of San Foods. Which explains why I couldn’t find any links for it. But their SEO must be pretty bad for me to have searched the name of the whisky and not found anything useful.

Anyway, consider this corrected and go check the product page. ** END UPDATE

Happy New Year! To celebrate: Nirasaki Blended Japanese Whisky. I won’t bother rehashing the story of Japanese whisky (check past posts), except to say that Japanese whisky is largely either Nikka or Suntory. So far we’ve loved Nikkas and have not taken to Suntories, and this is a Suntory.

But it was also $40 at the airport in Calgary, and availability is always favourable. And this ended up being a fantastic example of the form – flavourful but calm, a highly drinkable whisky. Here’s what we thought:

Dan – very floral, light nutmeg, almond, amaretto, cherry
Simon – light cherries, bookbinding
Goran – dried fruits, citrus

Dan – very reserved, lightly citrus, oaky/mild must, cantaloupe
Simon – starts a little spicy to sweet, subtle, simple, smooth
Goran – interesting, airy, kind of light

Dan – medium, slightly spicy
Simon – spicy honey, shorter
Goran – short, light hints of earthy

Dan – much milder basically only light melon
Simon – disappears to apple/honey
Goran – nicer with splash, opens a lot

Dan – 8.5/10        9.1/10 for a Japanese      9/10 for a blend
Simon – 8/10        7/10                                     8/10
Goran – 7/10

Nirasaki Blended Japanese Whisky – 40% 700ml – $40.00 – Japan

Try it? Yes. Buy it? Yes.

7 Replies to “Updated! Nirasaki Blended Japanese Whisky with Dan & Goran”

  1. 1
    Daniel Mut Garcia

    Habia oido hablar de calidad inmejorable de los Whiskies Japoneses, pero el precio en Mallorca es caro y no lo veia claro, hoy estoy en Taiwan concretamente en Kaohsiung, lo he comprado y me a encantado, enhorabuena, delicioso whiskie.

  2. 2

    I am a employee working at international department in SAN FOODS CO., LTD. producer of NIRASAKI WHISKY.
    We request for rectification for PR comments for our whisky. We, SAN FOODS CO., LTD. make NIRASAKI WHISKY not SANTORY.
    We just complained our customer not to export our whisky with comments that confuse reader with SANTORY WHISKY.

    • 3

      I updated the post, thanks for the correction

      we’d be happy to review any other products from your company that you’d care to send along.



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